Real estate CRM Software
Real Estate CRM, a web application, is designed to manage all your listings and
properties with all images and docs. It gives facilities to buy, sell or rent properties.
You can send personalized email campaigns with beautiful templates for your listings.
It provides feature to open number of agency under your company and allow them to
work on within the listing or properties. You can manage your bookings and inquiries.
Wide range of searching criteria makes this web application to easy-to-search right
It provides detailed Admin panel which empower management to manage/modify/control
their properties details.
CRM Management/Admin Modules:
- Dashboard (which gives summary about top properties, current bookings, total inquires,
due payments & more)
- Manage Properties
- Add / Modify Property
- Image Gallery
- Availabilities
- Pricing
- Configure Arrivals
- Charges
- Set Distance
- Specify Offers / Promotions
- Set SEO parameters per property
- Manage Inquiries
- Manage Bookings
- Manage Agencies
- Configure Newsletter & Bulk sending
- Manage Masters entries
- Region
- State
- Country
- Property type
- Sub Property type
- Charges detail & more…
- Customization of home page
CRM Customer Modules:
- Quick Search with various searching criteria
- Detailed Property listing
- Book property & payment options
- Maintain wish-list
- Manage invoice
- Highlights special offers/promotions